Tuesday, August 4, 2009

STOP arguing

"I appeal to you by the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ to stop arguing among yourselves. Let there be real harmony so there won't be a division..." 1 Corinthians 1:10a

Last night I was really bummed after I talked to my sister on the phone. I called to talk to her because, we NEVER talk and I thought it would be nice to see what was going on. She is having a baby and looking for a house so I wanted to know how everything was going. I also had some really neat information to share with her, and I really wanted to tell her so I called.

After I told her, I felt like everything I was saying was being critiqued. I started getting defensive immediately and within 20sec after I finished my story she had hung up on me. Immediately I got a text and we discussed what was going on. According to her I was getting "attitudy" and way too defensive. I will admit I did get defensive, because I felt like she thought everything I had just told her was stupid, and that she couldn't believe I would think or act that way. She would never do that and wouldn't ever need to, because she is just better than that. Or at least that is the way it came across to me. A simple "Thats neat way of looking at it. I don't know what I would do, but I may not act that way", would have been nice.

I hate arguing with her. I hate it that she make me feel 2ft tall. I hate it that we never see eye to eye. I hate it that we can never talk for very long. I HATE it that we often to believe the same things or same way. I HATE it that I don't have a great relationship with her.

All I want is to be able to talk to her w/o the feeling of "oh my gosh I can't believe you just asked me that, uh nowh Duh". (w/o duh actually being said).

The arguing and bickering can never be good especially in the long run. I decided I will be praying everyday, that she and I can both work on how we talk to one another. Taking into consideration the insecurities of each other. I want to have a healthy relationship with both my sisters, I want it to be fun to go and spend weeks together. Just enjoying the company of one another as sisters are suppose to. I read the following quote one time.

"Having a sister is like having a best friend you can't get rid of. You know whatever you do, they'll still be there."

I don't usually feel that way. I have always wanted my sister to be my best friend, but I have never been able to feel that way. I wish it was someone I could go to when ever I had a problem, someone who would be there to just listen.

The verse at the top really popped out at me tonight while I was reading. I have seen first hand within my family what arguing can do and I don't want that between me and my immediate family especially my sisters. So Lord now I ask that you teach me and grow me. Show me who you want me to be as a woman, a daughter, teacher, and as a sister. Grow me into who you want me to be. Chang my heart oh God make it new, I want to be like you.

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there Sweetie! Kara and I just had a huge fight the other day. It was AWFUL. I know exactly how you feel - and can relate to Amy some too in the communication realm. I try hard to not sound bad or accusatory or degrading or anything - I focus on NOT being that way. It is always misconstrued whether in person or in print. I too am praying for my relationship with my sister as I have the same desires as you. Unfortunately, it is part of the fall of man. I am not excusing it, but I am encouraged to know that Heaven will host our perfect sisterly relationship. Praise God!
