Saturday, October 10, 2009

Blessed is the name of the Lord

About a week ago I was reading preparing for a bible study on Thursday nights. Thursday is the dog agility class but I had just gotten back from Las Vegas so Kayle was still with her Aunt Katie. So I went to bible study. Oh how much I miss bible study with Charlotte. God has given her a great about of wisdom. I can only hope that I will be obedient to the Lord enough to become the woman of God He wants me to be.
Well about this bible study I knew I was going to go when the class was over so I went and got all the material from Char so I could be on the same page as the other women when I was able to start up. Char said "Jannie, there is homework you understand that...right?" "Yeah, it will be good. It will keep me accountable", is what I said, or so I had hoped. Well I will say I have not been a good steward of the time the Lord has given to me. The day of the study I skimmed through Job and answered the questions in the beginning and a few at the end. Just enough to make someone think I did something. I really wish I wasn't being lazy, because what I learned that night was great, and imagine what the Lord could have shown me if I would have read the entire book and answered all the questions on my own.
That night the Lord reiterated a lot of things I knew, but needing a reminder of. God allowed Satan to take a lot from Job, but that didn't stop Job from praising God. He said "Naked I have come, naked I will go. The Lord has given and the Lord has taken away. BLESSED IS THE NAME OF THE LORD." Do I ever bless the name of the Lord when something has been taken away or things aren't going the way I had planned or hoped they would be? No I don't. I complain, out loud so everyone knows "Oh woe is Jannie". Dear me, how self absorbed is that.
My life, the way it is now is set up to have an easy relationship with the Lord serving him in all I do. I have no responsibilities that don't involve some sort of ministry besides paying my bills. I teach Sunday school, help out with the youth group and work for a company who has chosen to build its business with the chief cornerstone (Cornerstone Endodontics) in charge of all that we do. Serving him and our patients that come in. Why can't I take a few minutes out of my day (the day He has given me) to spend with him. I claim he is my friend, but do I treat him like one?
Things may not be going the way I hoped they would be by now but this time I have right now is Jesus and Jannie time. In the beginning it was God and man, that's it. God and man. Right now its God and me. What am I going to do about it?


  1. GREAT lesson Jannie...thanks for sharing! I too miss bible studies with Charlotte! Come over some time soon... I'm planning on...Lord willing...being at the pumpkin chase

  2. Ugh...I'm right there with you Jannie. I get SOO lazy, and then I'm ashamed of myself. God PUT us here to worship him...and we basically make time in our day for everything BUT that. It's crazy. And then we wonder why stuff starts going hay-wire. Let's be more diligent in reading the word!! I need some direction!:o)
