Friday, September 11, 2009

Not quite the results...

So I had the procedure. It went great. I was a bit dizzy on Tuesday and then again on Wednesday, but by 7 o'clock Wednesday night I felt like myself again. Boy am I glad they put me under anesthesia. Pain meds=a great feeling.....absolutely nothing!!! Maybe most my worry was from the unknow feeling after it all. The only side effect is some really light spotting.
Now I just wait for the results of which I am pretty confident about. My lining was only at a 7mm which is great! Often times right before a woman has her period (before the lining is shed) her lining is up around 14mm. And I haven't had a period in a little over a year so think 17missed periods @ 14mm...WoW!! I am doing great, least that is what I think. I haven't made my next set of labs or my follow up appt, but my guess it will be the last couple days of the month. I will get back with you all and let you know the standings.

I was going to say something also about being single, but I can't remember what it was, so it must not be too important. Possible better that I didn't say anything at all. =)

1 comment:

  1. I am so proud of you Jannie for doing this! I will be praying for the results=)
