Sunday, May 10, 2009

Sometimes I am a hopeless romantic

On short notice, I decided to go and visit my mom for mom's day. Just for a short visit. I left Friday night then left on Saturday night. It was nice to be home even if it was only for a few hours. I don't even think it was for 24hrs. I didn't do much but hang out with my sister and mom. We made Lunner (a meal between lunch and dinner), I then came home shortly after. The drive back to Olathe was long, but I got some ice cream... mmmmmm...... about halfway back to keep myself away.

Oh my gosh and while I was home I came across some notes that my long time childhood friend wrote to me while we were in high school(10/2000) and some letters that my high school boy friend had written to me while I was at Kanakuk in the summer of 2001. WOW!!! I couldn't believe that she and I would talk about or how my boyfriend and I would talk to one another. The innocence of it all. Back then everything seemed to important and like it was going to change my world. Little did I know it was only a small portion of the huge pictures.

It's fun to go back and read all of the letters just to see what I was thinking at the time. I had so many sayings for things. All the hidden codes we would write in. Some of them I can't even remember what they mean, others they took awhile but I finally got them. I thought I knew so much, but through the years as I get older the less and less I know, and hope I never know.
I haven't read all the letters, but if I find anything good. I will definitely share. I think I got at least one letter every day while I was gone.

As for today, I had planned on spending the day cleaning with the hopes of getting everything done in time for the first bike ride of the year. (Though I hate to go alone I was going to push through it.) But when I got home and sat down to eat I put in a movie, not just any movie, but my favorite movie of all time. Anne of Green Gables. Well I'll just say that I haven't moved from the couch since about 1pm I have sat here and I think I am going to finish the entire 3 DVDs. I haven't watched it in so long.
I always wished I was Anne. Not looking at it from an Orphan view. I am thankful for my family, but her free spirit and imagination amazes me. Oh and I am a hopeless romantic. I very much enjoy the love story between her and Gilbert. She doesn't even seem to worry about a husband until someone tells her to slow down and open her eyes. I wish I didn't worry or care or think about it. Three time a brides maid never a bride, Josie Pie reminder her. I have one up on her. I hope one day the man the Lord has for me will look at me the way Gilbert looked at Anne during that scene, or looks at her throughout the movie. He loves her a lot.

I also like it because I have always thought of how neat it would be to have horses that pull you everywhere and not cars. Who what a sleigh ride would feel like in the snow. =) The Green Gable acreage is just beautiful. I would love to go and visit that place or find a place to live that is similar, it would just be wonderful! How amazing it would be to walk through all those fields to clear my head of everything, giving thanks for all the beautiful scenery he has given us.

I just love this movie!


  1. I am so jealous that you have those movies right at your finger tips. I love Anne! Have fun, and someday maybe the college study can plan to take a trip there =)

  2. I love those movies, too, I am so jealous!

  3. Wow!! So I'm NOT the only one! ha. I LOVE ANNE OF GREEN GABLES! I need to go buy the DVD's, now that you mention it.:o) And I am totally there with you on the would certainly be the perfect place to live! Maybe heaven will look something like that?:o) I know it was filmed in Nova Scotia...let's plan a trip!:o)

  4. Love the movies! Wow! I need to make Holland watch those...muster up some romanticism. haaa! Speaking of romanticism and spouses, hang in there my sweet sister! I know your thoughts and me! trust me! Oh man, trust me! More important, God knows your desires! He is just preparing that boy to be able to lead you and guide you - you're pretty special and need a well prepared man. You don't want just anoyone. ;o) Love you bunches!
